XXIVth Archival Days – Archontology in archival and historical research, Smolenice, 5th - 7th May 2020
„A twisted paragraph binds the people,
but it is up to the officials
to untwist it into a heart and not a whip,
to fondle and not to crisp“

Janko Jesenský
2th of September 2019

Dear colleagues and friends,

The Society of Slovak Archivists organizes annually traditional Archival Days for all of us. The upcoming ones - already the XXIVth – organized in cooperation with the Central Archive of Slovak Academy of Sciences will be held on 5th - 7th May 2020 at the Smolenice castle.
The sessions of the Archival Days will explore one of the younger fields of auxiliary sciences in history - archontology – and will highlight its position and use in both, archival and historical research.
Except for that, unique cultural and complementary program awaits us and in addition to that the members of the SAS will meet at the Ordinary General Assembly of the society.
We are pleased to announce that our Call for Papers is now opened.
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